Walk Around Magic at VFW Post 4816

I had an amazing time doing walk around closeup magic at the VFW Post 4816 on May 20th! The folks were warm and inviting and made me feel as welcome as an old friend.



Danger performed for us at the V.F.W 4816 and he amazed everyone young to old. For three hours, he continually entertained and astonished everyone.  I personally saw him take his ring off his finger, allowing me to inspect the ring, then watched him stretch the ring, making it a foot long. Then he tossed it up, stabbed his finger through it, and it was back to normal size and on his finger. Danger made many memories that night that will not soon be forgotten. Danger is truly a master of his craft and I HIGHLY recommend this magician.

Eric Smith, Bar Manager V.F.W 4816


Their website: http://www.vfw4816.com
Thier Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Porter-vfw-4816-189937584399848

VFW Porter Texas
24411 Cunningham Drive
Porter, TX 77365

Call: 281-354-9976 or 281-354-3188

Get Directions



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